Hi, Ive had the game a while and its really good, if Im not using it for fun I use for some music, however I was disturbed about a week ago to discover that the game has become unusable since the latest update or something cause Ive seen other users complaining about the game not loading. I for one am quite annoyed yet relieved that Im not the only one. Ive tried redownloading it and that has not worked so it probably has something to do with the software of the game conflicting with the software of the new iOS update. There is nothing wrong with the game except for this major bug, I hope that the Devs will fix it at some point but I fear that this is one of those "big game companys" where they never back track to fix old games of theirs and instead release a new game to make people forget about the other one. I would give this a full rating but I will refrain until the game is fixed. 3/5 stars until then.